Alex R. London
Books and Short Stories

Alex R. London Books
Official website of The Armean Journals

The Armean Journals Soundtrack
Composed and performed by Sanya Smileska and inspired by the characters of The Armean Journals, this soundtrack was released in tandem with "The Stranger's Orphan: 5th Anniversary Edition".
The main six characters all received unique, violin themes that attempt to capture the spirit of their story and personality. The album is available on most streaming platforms, including YouTube and Spotify.

In my senior year of high school, I self-published “The Stranger’s Orphan”, the first entry in my epic fantasy series, "The Armean Journals". In 2020, I continued the series with "The Desert's Son". I published my first science fiction novel, "Dearest Astra" in 2021, and the third entry of The Armean Journals, "The Winter's Dance", was released in 2022. In March 2023, I released "The Stranger's Orphan: 5th Anniversary Edition" in celebration of my writing and the story of The Armean Journals.
My work has been inspired by a love for the worlds of fantastic authors like Robert Jordan, J.R.R. Tolkien, George R.R. Martin, and Brandon Sanderson.
Interviews and More!
KOOP Radio Show "Writing on the Air" with Mindy Reed (4/17/2024)

Current Projects
Hallowed Children
Separate from my previous works, I am crafting a 1st person, fantasy mystery novel. It will be set entirely in a single city and consist of three sections. There will be twenty chapters in total. I plan to submit this story to traditional publishing companies, unlike The Armean Journals.
Update 6/7/2022
Part one of three is complete, totaling eight chapters. It is entitled "Lord and Lady".
Update 12/13/2022
The story is completed, totaling 20 chapters and 83k words. It has been titled "Hallowed Children". I am now editing it once more before sending to publishers.
Update 8/2/2024
I am still seeking a publisher for this story! It has gone through a few revisions, and I believe it is deserving of a traditional
publication, but if I cannot manage that before the end of 2025, I will release this as self-published.
Orodeun Found
This is book 2 of Children of Ouroboros, the series I am beginning with "Hallowed Children". I am working on this simultaneously with the release process for book 1, but I have encountered a few obstacles. After completing the first 15 chapters, I have decided I do not like the direction the story was taking. I will be starting over.
The Outcast's Home
The 5th and final book in The Armean Journals! This will be released in 2026. No further details are available at this time, but I am thrilled to be working on the grand finale!
For any media inquiries, please contact me at the following places.
Found a substantive error in one of my works? Send me an email, and I will try to correct it!
Instagram: @alex_r_london
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Artwork for "The Stranger's Orphan" and "Crusaders" by Molly McKinney. Artwork for "The Desert's Son", "The Winter's Dance", "Dearest Astra", "The Stranger's Orphan: 5th Anniversary Edition", and "The Heritor's Willow" by Chiara Noemi Monaco. The Armean Journals logo by Robinta. Artwork for "Children of Ouroboros" by Anna Michels. Map of The Continent of Ria by Alec McKinley. Artwork for "Crusaders of Ria" by 57 Creative Studio.